Anirudh paranjothi > Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae of Anirudh Paranjothi

Last Update: Sept 09, 2023
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Anirudh Paranjothi
(Curriculum Vitae)

Last Update: Sept 09, 2023

  Department of Computer Science Tel: +405-744-2450
  Oklahoma State University
  230 MSCS, Oklahoma State University
  Stillwater, 74075


Dr. Paranjothi received Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Oklahoma, an M.S. in computer science from Texas A&M University, and a B.S. degree in computer science from Anna University. His primary research interests are in the areas of networking, security, and computing, with an emphasis on wireless systems. The overarching motivation of Anirudh's research is to enhance security along with efficient routing and data forwarding on complex dynamic network systems like Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) using next-gen technologies like edge computing, 6G and beyond. His research philosophy strongly emphasizes end-to-end framework design and development for real-world problems in wireless networks. His secondary research interests are in the area of social networks, mobile cloud computing, and IoT.


  Ph.D. University of Oklahoma July 2022
    School of Computer Science, Norman, United States  
  MS Texas A&M University, Kingsville, United States July 2017
  Dept of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science



  Assistant Professor     August 2022 - Present
  Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, United States  
  Graduate Research Assistant     June 2019 - July 2022
  University of Oklahoma, Norman, United States  
  Graduate Teaching Assistant     August 2017 – May 2019, August 2020 – May 2022
  University of Oklahoma, Norman, United States  
  Graduate Teaching Assistant     August 2015 – May 2017
  Texas A&M University, Kingsville, United States  


Google Scholar Citations: 328; h-index1: 10; i10-index2: 11


IEEEE 14th Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics, and Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON), 2023 “Sybil Attach Detection in VANETs using Fog Computing and Beamforming”, Anirudh Paranjothi and Abinash Borah
IEEE 42nd International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC) '2023 “GPU-based Parallel Computing for VANETs: Current State and Future Prospects”, Anirudh Paranjothi and Abinash Borah
IEEE 98th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2023-Fall, 2023 “Enhancing Security in VANETs through Efficient Sybil Attack Detection using Fog Computing”, Anirudh Paranjothi and Mohammad S. Khan
shareok'2023 "Misbehavior Aware on-demand Intrusion Detection System To Enhance Security in VANETs with Efficient Rogue Nodes Detection and Prevention Techniques ", Anirudh Paranjothi
arXiv '2021 "Enhancing security in vanets with efficient sybil attack detection using fog computing ", Anirudh Paranjothi
Digital Communications and Networks '2021 "A statistical approach for enhancing security in VANETs with efficient rogue node detection using fog computing", Anirudh Paranjothi
CRC Press '2020 "Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Smart Cities", Anirudh Paranjothi
GLOBECOM 2020-2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 1-6 '2020 "F-RouND: fog-based rogue nodes detection in vehicular ad hoc networks", Anirudh Paranjothi
Ad Hoc Networks '2020 "A survey on congestion detection and control in connected vehicles", Anirudh Paranjothi
arXiv '2020 "Message dissemination in connected vehicles ", Anirudh Paranjothi
arXiv '2020 "Performance Analysis of Message Dissemination Techniques in VANET using Fog Computing ", Anirudh Paranjothi
Computer Communications '2020 "VANETomo: A congestion identification and control scheme in connected vehicles using network tomography", Anirudh Paranjothi
Internet Technology Letter '2020 "PMCD: Platoon‐Merging approach for cooperative driving", Anirudh Paranjothi
Internet of Things 7, 100071, 2019 "GSTR: Secure multi-hop message dissemination in connected vehicles using social trust model, Anirudh Paranjothi, Mohammad S Khan, Sherali Zeadally, Ajinkya Pawar, David Hicks
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 30 (6), e3595, 2019 "Hybrid‐Vehfog: a robust approach for reliable dissemination of critical messages in connected vehicles", Anirudh Paranjothi, Urcun Tanik, Yuehua Wang, Mohammad S Khan
Ad Hoc Networks 82, 1-14, 2019 "Routing protocols and architecture for disaster area network: A survey", Anirudh Paranjothi, Yasmin Jahir, Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Hazem Refai, Peter G LoPresti
2018 IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), 1-5, 2018 "Hybrid-vehcloud: An obstacle shadowing approach for vanets in urban environment", Anirudh Paranjothi, Mohammad S Khan, Mohammed Atiquzzaman
Wired/Wireless Internet Communications: 16th IFIP WG 6.2 International, 2018 "DFCV: a novel approach for message dissemination in connected vehicles using dynamic fog", Anirudh Paranjothi, Mohammad S Khan, Mohammed Atiquzzaman
Journal of Computer and Communications 5 (06), 1, 2017 "Survey on three components of mobile cloud computing: offloading, distribution and privacy", Anirudh Paranjothi, Mohammad S Khan, Mais Nijim
Texas A&M University, 2017 "Location Aware Message Dissemination in Connected Vehicles Using Multihop Technique", Anirudh Paranjothi
2016 IEEE 7th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile, 2016 "MAvanet: Message authentication in VANET using social networks", Anirudh Paranjothi, Mohammad S Khan, Mais Nijim, Rajab Challoo "MAvanet: Message Authentication in VANET using QR-codes", Anirudh Paranjothi, Mohammad S Khan, Dr Rajab Challoo Mais Nijim "Hybrid-Vehcloud: A Novel Approach for Enhancing Dissemination of Messages in Connected Vehicles", Anirudh Paranjothi, Mohammad S Khan, Mohammed Atiquzzaman

Synergistic Activities

Student Advising

  1. Advisor: Abinash Borah (Fall 22 – Present), Mohammed Suratwala (Fall 22 – Present), Adele Gideon (Spring 23 – Present), Shashank Pola (Fall 22)
  2. Mentor: Reece Harrel (Fall 22)

Department Service

  1. Member of Graduate committee, Department of Computer Science, Oklahoma State University
  2. Thesis committee member for Master’s and Ph.D. students
  3. Creative component committee chair and member for Master’s students

Invited Talks and Presentations

  • Presentation: "Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (CV2X) for Connected Vehicles," O-DoT 2022
  • Invited Talk: "Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks Challenges and Future Directions," West Virginia University 2022
  • Invited Talk: "Intrusion Detection and Prevention in Connected Vehicles," University at Albany - SUNY 2022
  • Invited Talk: "Efficient Routing and Types of Security Attacks in VANETs," California State University - Fullerton 2021
  • Invited Talk: "Network Attacks and Network Security Threats in Mobile Networks," University of Oklahoma 2021
  • Invited Talk: “Fog computing for Connected Vehicles,” Oklahoma Transportation Research Day (OTRD) 2019
  • Invited Talk: "Message Dissemination in Connected Vehicles using Dynamic Fog," University of Oklahoma 2019
  • Invited Talk: “Reliable Critical Message Dissemination in Connected Vehicles,” University of Oklahoma 2018
  • Invited Talk: “Dynamic Fog for Connected Vehicles,” Oklahoma Transportation Research Day (OTRD) 2018
  • Invited Talk: “Message Authentication using Social Networks,” Texas A&M University, Kingsville 2016